Kamis, 05 April 2012


Land, consisting merupan bagiandari earth or in the form of the element that call the land. In this place is also a solid part of the rotor and is suitable to build a cattle to protect themselves from various kinds of disasters that come from within and from outside. One of these earthquakes.Earthquakes are natural events seatu caused by the activity of the earth is going on.There are different kinds of earthquakes in the world. Da whose name tectonic earthquakes, which by comparing the movement of tectonic plates, which is shifting.There's also called volcanic earthquakes, earthquakes of this type by comparing the activity of the volcano. Here will be discussed regarding the building materials that can cope with the earthquake, particularly the quake was caused by tectonic gampa.Humans. Humans are creatures of mainland residents who have the most perfect sense of ang other land dwellers. Jam the human mind also has a passion or a more keingginan, one of which is to have a comfortable place to live and can make people to do activities with ease. Place called HOME. At the time of prehistoric times, humans have when they think and know about places to stay, they are usually moving or menyebutya scientists 'nomadic'. But at the time of messolitikum, people have started to understand about the need to survive and persist in the region are. At that time they began to inhabit the caves or a hole that they deem safe and convenient remedy activity.Gradually, they begin to think like which way to make home a better and efficient than they did when they lived in a cave or a hole. Apda first they began to make home made from twigs that are still together dengana pohonya. The longer they keep them berekplorasi to make more convenient than that. Meereka start trying to make the house by felling timber and assembles them into one to form a structure like a house.In Indonesia, you can still find many houses are still made from trees (wood). Because Indonesia is still a lot of trees that are the raw material for making houses. For example there is such thing joglo house on the island of Java, there is also the name HOUSE LONG on Sumatra island, and many more like on the island of Bali, Borneo (Kalimantan), Irian Jaya (Papua).Many types of materials they gukanakan to make a home. Such as in Java, they use raw materials such as teak wood, coconut trees, and bamboo as the material last if the two materials can be difficult.Why Indonesia using raw materials from trees and bamboo?. The answer is the structure of the soil and the conditions of Indonesia are prone to earthquakes. Also in Indonesia once the material is easy to obtain, even can be said for free. But not completely free. Because it depends on mutual agreement. Actually, in Indonesia the most widely used are bamboo as the main ingredient. Because bamboo is a young plant to grow and harvest time. There was also another reason they menggukan bamboo. The reason is because bamboo is more expensive than other materials.This will bring up the question, what makes them using bamboo in addition to price and to such materials are easy to obtain?.Bamboo the answer is powerful if they are linked to one another. Another reason is because bamboo is one for the unloading of such pairs puzzel, but the 3D shape.Then, what makes them using bamboo?. As stated above, they use bamboo bamboo karea strong character. When building a house they do not need to use the foundation as the first step to home. Meraka instantly create and install these parts. Interestingly apart without foundation, they create the foundation structur house can be moved.That's the reason why Indonesia chose bamboo as the main ingredient to make a house. And the reason why this material is suitable for making an anti-quake house.
For how to make home proficiency level are as follows:
1. Look for bamboo in various sizes. The recommended use of bamboo species of bamboo petung. Due to stronger than others.
2. Cut the bamboo terdebut on the bottom axis of the earth.
3. After the cut, clean the leaves and twigs of bamboo using machetes tatau other sharp objects. Note Do not use a knife because a knife to slice the Lunan berfusfi not that hard.
4. After all clean of leaves and bamboo tantingnya. Cut the bamboo with a high measure of home you want and the number of pieces have to fit the time to make the walls and floor of the house. To the roof just in need of some bamboo alone, approximately five bamboo to form a cube, the four to make the center pole.
5. Do not worry about the roof is still open. Due to the roof that is completely safe you can use coconut leaves or palm leaves as a finishing touch on a bamboo roof.
6. After the house was standing you just occupy the place and fill in your favorite furniture.

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