Rabu, 04 April 2012

Launched, the Motif Batik Purworejo "Adi Purwo"

Launched, the Motif Batik Purworejo "Adi Purwo"

DURING this we only know the traditional batik motifs are very diverse. But now comes a contemporary batik patterns typical of the Regent Purworejo Purworejo Kelik Sumrahadi Purwo named Adi. Even mid-January 2009 and officially launched as Adi Purwo Purworejo the original product. Adi Purworejo launch in conjunction with the exhibition opening of education "Gebyar SMK", in the hall SMKN 3 Purworejo.Differences with batik motif Adi Purwo other kinds of dressing teretak on. In the traditional batik, known as Jasmine secontong motif, Lung Kenongo, Nam braid, Driyo Barrel, Banana Island, Limaran, Lung Semongko, pufferfish hem, incense Kobar, Village Sidoluhur, Sidomukti, Leler Mengeng, Parang Kawung and many shades of the uniqueness of each one. While at Adi Purwo batik, various pictures as a motif consisting of palm sugar, rice, mangosteen and durian, empon-epoon, goat, and a cake klanting clorot, modang.While the decoration consists of the tumpal dolalak dance, drum Pendowo, clove.Kelik Sumrahadi stated that it was not a nation when it has no culture. And culture of every nation is different. It was also the cultural characteristics that make the nation's treasury. These include Indonesia, Javanese kususnya, has a culture that has high value.That culture should be maintained in order not to fade, even an obligation for the older generation to pass on culture to the next generation.It is argued that one of the culture of the Indonesian nation, among others, batik cloth.This culture, he argues, has been known since the common ancestor, that is known as batik master. But supposedly he said, he said, now it owned the rights patenya Malaysia. Similarly Purworejo region, as one of the centers of batik artisans. The presence of artisans spread across several areas such as, Grabag, Pituruh, Bagelen, Banyuurip. Their work is known to have characteristics / style batik different.He hopes that this pencangan, batik artisans Purworejo challenged to be more creative .. When the feature is known by its local cash, but with Adi Purwo, it is no longer a local level, but it bore the name of the district.Added that the world of batik, kususnya in Central Java are expected to increasingly encouraging. This is supported by the existence of a governor of Central Java, Bibit Waluyo some time ago, that the civil servant uniforms starting Thursday - Saturday to wear batik. Expected to forward such conditions, can provide fresh air for the pengarajin batik. On the other hand, he warns people not to turn off the local batik, batik should not bring in outside Purworejo.Motif designer Adi Purwo, Hartanti Hartomo, argued that the idea was obtained when he followed the work of Bull race held at the national level in the Central Batik Yogyakarta. At that time he picked up the theme of Toward Tradition and Modernity identity. He shows the potential Purworejo batik motif. At that time he still gave the name "Purworejo Enchantment". Turned out to have a special attraction for the council juri.Terbukti able to enter the top 20 of the 200 participants.It is argued that the batik batik motif is contemporary Purwo Adi. These motifs describe the condition and the potential that exists in Purworejo. Artistic and cultural potential is shown in the image of dancers and Bedug Pendowo dolalak. Agriculture and plantation potential of mangosteen, durian and empon-empon. Potential of a goat farm Ettawa Peranakan. Potential cottage industries such as food klanting, clorot cake, coconut sugar, primisima types of fabrics used, with the coloring of black, brown, yellow, green and red.Provision of decorative potential of the region, he said mempuyai meaning. Palm sugar, is a cottage industry in some areas Purworejo. Production reached 2-3 quintals per day.Marketing to major cities such as Semarang, Yogyakarta, Solo, etc.. Rice, meaning that Purworejo a former granary in Kedu residency. Wide planting area irrigation system supported by technical and non technical, depicting prosperity.Mangosteen and durian, is the flagship product of idang farms and plantations in the mountains. Empon-empon, in the form of kencur, ginger, turmeric, kapulogo, and ginger, an ingredient made of herbal medicine, is the potential that owned the hills. Ettawa goat, the great potential possessed Purworejo. Clorot Klanting and cakes, is a typical food Purworejo.Modang describe the procedure in Purworejo yag peerintahan intact. Terdpat aluun square in the center of town, at the district office keilingi, hpati official residence, mosque, police station, Kodim, the Church. Tumpel decorative pad section,, the dancers dolalak tumbih keseneian that as a result of acculturation budya west and east.Pendowo drum, as a potential cultural significance Purworejo known in the world. Clove is contained in the costume accessories dolalak dancers. While the background of this motif adorned pasiran, which implies that the SDA has the potential Purworejo iron sand.Tradisoinal revealed several motifs that have been known to the public. Among others, the motive of Jatayu. These motifs are produced by craftsmen in the village of Banyuurip batik. It is not yet known who the creator. Jatayu bird decoration with a variety of flora.Primisima type of fabric used and babaran kelengan white background.Lung Semongko. This motif consists of decorative bloated and lung (leaves) of watermelon. Primisima type of fabric used, dyed with a black background Many residents Sogan produced Banyuurip village craftsmen. Who is the creator, is also unknown.Mlati Secontong. A traditional batik motifs of the District Grabag. Using a combination of decorative flowers and dragonflies, made hue tirtotejo .. Primisima type of fabric used Sogan brown dyed black and white.Machetes. Is the motif of the Surakarta Palace. Usually used as ageman ancestors. May only be used by the king and the palace cemetery only. This motif is stout stuff. One of them Parikshit Parang, much finished by craftsmen Bayan district. Primisima type of fabric used, white and purple coloring. Plumpness parang motif with colors of black and white chocolate Sogan.Grimisan peacock. A diverse line of batik pattern that resembles a small line of light rain. At this range usually used for isen-isen in the blanks. Added that the traditional motifs, in tiaop existing strip. Kendatiada difference, but not too flashy. He pointed out, the motive kawung, siluhur, sidoi mukti, where it already exists motif. While the differences can be seen on staining yag. For the motif model of Surakarta in Yogyakarta is slightly different.Adi Purwo motive, will require intellectual property rights (IPR) to the Department of Justice and Human Rights. While traditional motifs, according to him, can not be requested IPR, because not known who penciptaa, so it is considered public property. 

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