Rabu, 04 April 2012

Etawa goat hybrid (PE),

Etawa goat hybrid (PE) is a descendant Etawa goats brought from India by the Dutchcolonizers. Goats were then dikawinsilangkan with local goat Kaligesing. Currentlyknown as goat races Etawa Peranakan Peranakan goat native Etawa Kaligesing,Purworejo.

Until now Etawa continue bred goats. Peranakan Etawa goats preferred by manypeople, especially in Central Java so that the goat is spreading rapidly into variousterritories in Purworejo even out Purworejo like to Kulonprogo, Kendal, Sidoarjo, East Java.

Peranakan Etawa goat has a typical face in the form of a convex, long-earedmengglambir, high posture (gumla) between 90-110 cm, long and slender horns.

Goats of this type easily thrive in cool temperate regions, big variety of hair colors; whitestripes, red brown, bercal, black spot or a combination of all three and at the back there is a thick and long fur. Panggemar goat Etawa Peranakan generally very fond of the beauty of the hair and face shape. Because it is very rarely used as a type of goat is a goat semblihan (cut) to eat, they make it work as a "Klangenan or pets" for collection.Even supposedly ancient, for those who have seen goats Etawa will "taste" and "who"the person is in the public eye.

Currently the integrated development Etawa goats are offered to investors by theGovernment. This offer is expected to receive a positive response given the market potential is still untapped optimal. Investors are certainly not going to lose business out ofthis goat.

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